Library Policies
Use and Conduct
Welder Library staff at the University of Mary seek to provide all users with a welcoming, comfortable, and safe environment that promotes intellectual exploration and learning. Access to well-managed and diverse library collections and the help of knowledgeable staff are key services the library provides. The following policies address library patron use and conduct, and services provided to patrons.
The Welder Library privileges and borrowing policy applies to on-campus students, faculty, and staff patrons. On-campus students and faculty must register in the Welder Library user database in order to utilize all services. Each student, faculty, and staff user must create a library account in person by registering a valid Mcard at the Circulation Desk before borrowing from the Library. Holders of library cards from other Central Dakota Library Network (CDLN) member libraries are also honored by the Welder Library. Accordingly, borrowing privileges are extended at the undergraduate student level to those card holders.
Online students must use ILLiad to request books and media held by Welder Library, and other CDLN libraries as well. Books and media requested by online students will be forwarded to students by mail. Online students are responsible for costs incurred in returning borrowed items to Welder Library.
Welder Library extends guest library privileges to the Sisters of Annunciation Monastery by issuing a Guest Library Card at the Circulation Desk. Guest Library Cards can only be issued in person at the Circulation Desk. The Guest Library Card provides borrowing privileges for Sisters at the student level and allows access to online eResources.
Welder Library extends guest library privileges to special groups and individuals designated by the director of library services. Guest library privileges will be extended by issuing a Guest Library Card at the Circulation Desk. Guest Library Cards can only be issued in person at the Circulation Desk. The Guest Library Card provides borrowing privileges at the undergraduate level. For more information contact the Circulation Desk at (701) 355-8070, or
Categories of library borrowing privileges follow:
On-Campus Student Borrowing Privileges
• Books and documents: 30 days, 2 renewals of 2 weeks duration
• Periodicals do not circulate
• Reference materials: No loan
• Newspapers: No loan
• Access to eResources online
Online Student Borrowing Privileges
• Books and documents: 30 days, 2 renewals of 2 weeks duration
• Access to eResources online
Faculty and Staff Borrowing Privileges
• Books and documents: 30 days, 2 renewals of 2 weeks duration
• Periodicals: 5 days, no renewals
• Newspapers: No loan
• Access to eResources online
Sisters of Annunciation Monastery Borrowing Privileges
• Books and documents: 30 days, 2 renewals of 2 weeks duration
• Periodicals do not circulate
• Reference materials: No loan
• Newspapers: No loan
• Access to eResources online
Guest Library Patron/ CDLN Patron Borrowing Privileges
• Books and documents: 30 days, 2 renewals of 2 weeks duration
• Periodicals do not circulate
• Reference materials: No loan
• Newspapers: No loan
Blocks on Library Accounts: Users that fail to return library materials within four weeks of the due date will be billed for the price of each item, plus a $10 processing fee per item. Library accounts are blocked until the item is paid for or returned. In addition, a library hold will be placed on student accounts at the Office of the Registrar. Stop by the Circulation Desk or call us at 701-355- 8070 to determine why a library account is blocked.
The following use and conduct policies are intended to ensure a pleasant and productive environment for learning, study, and research for all users. The use and conduct policies are applicable to all library users and are enforceable by the library staff.
Welder Library permits the consumption of beverages carried in covered containers, and individual snack-size food items, except in designated areas.* All other foods and drinks are not permitted in the Library.
1. Acceptable covered beverage containers include disposable coffee and soft drink cups with lids, plastic or glass bottles with twist-on lids, travel mugs, and sport-type water bottles. 2. Acceptable food items include individual snack-size containers of chips, cookies, candy, and other snack foods; candy bars, granola bars, and power bars; small containers of finger foods (e.g., cut fruits and vegetables, dried fruits and nuts, string cheese); cold sandwiches, and small whole fruits, such as apples or bananas.
3. Unacceptable food items include anything that is hot, aromatic, potentially messy, or intended for consumption by more than one person (e.g., hot entrees, burgers, French fries, pizza, noodles, burritos, tacos, soup, salads, large-size bags or packages of chips, etc.).
*Designated areas are those places in which different policies are in place (e.g. no food or drinks are permitted near photocopiers and printers; only drinks permitted near computer workstations).
Welder Library accepts gifts of library materials that are relevant to the teaching and research needs of the University of Mary community. Generally, the same criteria used to determine purchase of materials is used in evaluating appropriateness of gifts for the collection as outlined in the collection development policy, which is included below along with some criteria for accepting gifts for Welder Library.
• Materials are in good physical condition and are not legally prohibited from transfer to the library.
• Unless otherwise agreed upon by the donor and the library director, materials are not subject to special restrictions on placement, treatment, retention, or any other requirements.
• Priority is given to current or seminal academic books relating to University of Mary programs of study.
Examples of materials which are usually not considered for addition to the collection include mass market paperbacks, dictionaries, outdated textbooks, almanacs, serials to which the library does not subscribe, government documents, foreign language materials which do not support the curriculum, and any materials in poor physical repair or in an outdated format.
Donations are accepted with the understanding that once accepted, they become the property of the University of Mary. The library reserves the right to exchange, discard, or sell donated material. When materials are judged to be unsuited to our collections, we will make an effort to place them appropriately, which may include discarding. The library does not appraise the value of gifts, but a formal acknowledgement of gift can be provided upon request. All donors should be informed that questions regarding tax deductions are best referred to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service or personal tax advisor.
Prospective donors who believe their gift would enrich our collections and is consistent with the purpose and scope of Welder Library are encouraged to contact the director of library services.
Monetary gifts to Welder Library are gratefully accepted. Please discuss a monetary gift with the director of library services.
Approved by President’s Council, February 12, 2019.
This statement on the principles of intellection freedom is adapted from the American Library Association document, “Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries.” This statement on intellectual freedom is intended to be compatible with and support the University of Mary statement on academic freedom.
Ask a Librarian
Welder Librarians are here to provide research and reference assistance to students. Research and reference assistance for students consists of direction to library materials, advice on library collections and services, and expertise on finding multiple kinds of information from multiple sources.